Thursday, May 15, 2008


Countdown: Special Comment May 14, 2008 Part 1

Countdown: Special Comment May 14, 2008 Part 2


Blogger Mike S said...

Keith Olbermann is the only media
person out of the three big news outlets that the majority of America watches that has the courage to say what needs to be said.You effing rock Olbermann!!

11:25 AM  
Blogger grace said...

Let the countdown begin!! Lets hope for a better replacement, anything has to be, right?!
Yes, I like Keith Olbermann aswell.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Olberman's eyebrows are disturbing.

6:48 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

This reminds me of a discussion I get into sometimes about the existence of God. Personally, I don't think it is possible to truly know the answer to the question of whether God exists. It is unknowable. I think that's the answer here. If you frame the question in a binary way, "did the US government cause 9/11 or did it just happen?" then you are expecting people to pick one or the other. Humans like to question each other that way, framing questions so they have a simple answer. I think the correct answer to the question is neither. That's hard to compute and it sound like a dodge of the question. It isn't denial or refusing to see 'the truth', it is another viewpoint.

There are some parents who answer every question their kids ask them. I am not one of them. I know that must seem crazy given how much of a know-it-all I am, but it is part of my style. I will often answer "I don't know". I think that's the answer about the 9/11 conspiracy. I think there was none, but I don't really know. Strangely, I am comfortable with that answer because it seems most true.

5:45 AM  
Blogger grace said...

Happy Birthday Pete!!!

9:11 PM  

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